The major difference from the 2000 model is its need to be worn as a gauntlet, which seals with a biometric lock the 3000A is locked with bolts and can be removed wholesale, replaced, or temporarily displaced to allow for clothing to pass under it. which keep a similar appearance but contain different hardware.

There are several models of Pip-Boy 3000 that are designated by letter, i.e. Unlike its predecessor though, it also comes with added features, such as a built-in radio, Geiger counter and Pip-Boy light, used to illuminate dark areas. Like the 2000 model, it is capable of keeping tabs on the user's health condition, mapping out areas, and taking and storing notes. The 3000 model, like the 2000 model, displays its information on a black, monochrome screen. Gameplay articles: Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout: The Board Game The Pip-Boy is powered by an internal Fission battery, and is also hardy enough to withstand any situation. Versions released outside of Vault circulation were an incredibly handy tool, so useful they even earned a reputation among specific circles as a crutch to lean on that no true expert in travel or survival would ever use. Using ultra-modern, super-deluxe resolution graphics in conjunction with its capability to store and transfer large amounts of information makes it the obvious choice for the wandering explorer, whether it be the out-on-his-own newbie or the all-around survivalist expert. Members of the Free States were known to use them too, and the RobCo Auto-Caches were meant to require such devices too. Usage of Pip-Boy was not exclusive to Vault-Tec however. The Vault Dweller's Survival Guide refers to "Pip" as an acronym ( Personal Information Processor), though in-game models of the device use "Pip-Boy," not "PIP-Boy," as its capitalization. In addition, certain Pip-Boy models could support additions and equipment that other models could not. Some Vaults received newer models of the device, while others were issued older versions. To register for such a device, residents would take part in an orientation seminar given by the Vault's Overseer to explain the functions and daily life enhancements provided by the Pip-Boy, along with filling out personal information in the Personal Information Processor Responsibility Form regarding such things as hand dominance, personal preferences, arm circumference, and vault jumpsuit measurements.

Pip-Boys were standard equipment issued to all Vault-Tec Corporation Vaults.