The next time you launch the game, the mod should be available in your game Mods.Age of Empires has a rich history of player-created modifications: ranging from unique campaigns and stories for you to explore within the Age of Empires experience, to the addition of new units, maps, graphics, and features which expand the way you play! Each mod offers a new way to experience the game, and often explores solutions that fulfill the needs of the entire community!
Click the mod to view the specific mod details page. Use the search box or filters to find a mod. You will need to sign in with your Xbox Live or Steam account, depending on your version of the game. You can also download mods from the website. The mod will now be listed on your Installed Mods tab, where you can enable, disable, unsubscribe, and prioritize your mods. Click Subscribe to automatically download and install the mod. You can also use the filter to find mods based on their tags, or can use the table to sort by Name, Size, Likes, or the number of Downloads. Type in the name of the mod you want to download. Click on the gear icon in the top right corner of the title screen. Launch Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition. The easiest way to download a mod is to search for and install it in-game.
Downloading or creating a game mod is simple, and can be done in-game or via the website. Mods allow users to change nearly any aspect of their game: from the sound and look to the addition of entirely new scenarios and gameplay elements.